
Anti Bullying Advice

Any form of bullying is a violation of human rights and everyone has the duty to respect each other, in and out of the school community. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and has no place at our school. We do not accept any form of mental and physical intimidation which causes anxiety or stress.

Our aim is to create a safe and calm climate, where different racial and social backgrounds are accepted. We do realise that a lot of the bullying that happens isn’t actually face to face; it can be through e-mail, text messaging or social media. We acknowledge that there are incidents of low level discrimination, for example name calling, and we do intend to stamp it out. 

If you are experiencing bullying:

  • Try to stay calm and look as confident as you can.
  • Be firm and clear – look them in the eye and tell them to stop.
  • Don’t retaliate – you could get into trouble or get hurt.
  • Remember – it’s not your fault. No one deserves to be bullied.
  • Keep a record – and save any messages that you have been sent.
  • Tell an adult what has happened straight away.
  • If you are scared to tell an adult by yourself, ask a friend to go with you.
  • Don’t ignore bullying – it won’t go away on its own and it may get worse.
  • Ask your friends to look out for you.
  • Check the school’s anti-bullying policy. This will tell you what Hall Mead School will do about bullying.

If you want to report a bullying incident please send the details to

Should you have a more serious problem, relating to the safety of a young person at Hall Mead, you may wish to talk to Mrs Afteni, Mrs Fanning, Mr Cole or Mrs Seager who are the School’s Child Protection Officers and have special responsibility for the welfare of our pupils.