Code of Conduct

The Academy needs to have a series of values and practices that are commonly shared which enable staff to use their discretion and reflect their skills, personality and qualities, but within a consistent framework. 

Our Academy conduct values and practices are underpinned by the behaviour philosophy ‘Discipline with Dignity’, for which the guidelines are as follows:

  1. There is no quick fix to establishing outstanding behaviour
  2. Do things which are effective/impactive
  3. Be fair and consistent, but consider an individual student’s needs – do not treat every student the same
  4. Rules must make sense
  5. Model what you expect 
  6. Give the opportunity for students to take responsibility
  7. Confront misbehaviour with dignity and authority
  8. Be persistent when setting sanctions
  9. Be willing to discuss issues surrounding misbehaviour with colleagues
  10. Strive to get the decisions about student discipline and behaviour correct

Home – School – Parent / Carer and Student Agreements

a. Parent/Carer:

As a parent/carer of a child at Hall Mead School, I will abide by the Academy’s “Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers” Parent and Carer Code of Conduct. I will support the Academy’s work with my young person, including:

  • Ensure that my child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped
  • Telephone or email the absence line before 9.00 a.m. if my child is absent and provide evidence of medical appointments
  • Make the Academy aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour
  • Support the Academy’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
  • Support the Academy’s policies for uniform and appearance
  • Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning
  • Attend parents’ evenings, meetings and reply to communications about my child’s progress
  • Get to know about my child’s life at school
  • Support the school in conflict resolution, understanding that all children can make mistakes
  • Regularly read information on the website, the weekly Headteacher’s newsletter and check the Edulink app so that I am kept up-to-date with important details of relevant policies, meetings, events and information about my child
  • Appreciate the impact my child and their behaviour have on the efficient education and wellbeing of other children
  • Help my child be safe online, including monitoring their use of social media and messaging apps, not allowing them access to services which are not available for their age group
  • Respect the confidentiality of each child

b. Students:

Students are expected to uphold and demonstrate our values and can expect to receive positive feedback through verbal praise, Achievement Points and a range of certificates and rewards. 

As a student at Hall Mead School, I will ensure that I:

  • Attend the Academy regularly and on time
  • Bring all the books and equipment I need every day
  • Follow the Academy rules on behaviour, uniform and appearance
  • Complete all classwork and homework to the best of my ability and on time
  • Ask for guidance and help from my parents/carers and teachers to complete tasks to the best of my ability
  • Work co-operatively with all staff and students
  • Be a responsible citizen as I travel to and from the Academy, use local shops and whenever I take part in off-site activities.
  • Show independence in, and develop control over, my own behaviour and learning
  • Treat others with dignity, respect and kindness
  • Accept responsibility for my own behaviour and learning
  • Be engaged with learning and the life of the Academy
  • Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy
  • Respect the school building, equipment and school grounds
  • Follow any additional codes of conduct introduced by the Academy
  • Take responsibility for the impact my behaviours have on the learning of others

Hall Mead School will:

  • Care for your child’s safety, wellbeing and happiness using the ‘Discipline with Dignity’ guiding principles and promoting a culture of safeguarding
  • Treat your child with dignity, respect and kindness and model this
  • Ensure that your child achieves their full potential as a valued member of the school
  • community, to enable them to progress successfully beyond Hall Mead School
  • Provide a balanced curriculum, appropriate teaching and strategies to meet the needs of your child
  • Set, mark and monitor classwork and homework and provide useful feedback that moves learning along
  • Establish high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships, developing a sense of responsibility, promoting tolerance and implementing rewards and responses fairly
  • Provide a range of extracurricular activities
  • Keep you informed about general school matters and about your child’s progress, in particular through reports and parental meetings
  • Contact parents/carers if there is a concern relating to attendance, punctuality, progress, behaviour, uniform/appearance
  • Respect the confidentiality of each child
  • Teach students the principles of personal safety, in particular, e-safety and support them in the appropriate use of social sites